10 Signs of Fake People: How to Know if a Person is Fake

3 min readAug 15, 2020


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The world is full of fake people. They think one way and act another way to gain something. Identifying fake people is difficult.

Fake people not only twist our beliefs about them but also distort our perspectives about other people.

So, fakers are like an infectious disease, never let their action fool you.

Now, how can you tell if a person is fake? Or, what are signs of a hoax person?

Here are some Ten common signs of a fake person, you should be wary of these people if you can identify these treats-

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Fake People Rarely Keeps their Promise (01)

Keeping the promise is always difficult for a fake person. They constantly struggle to keep their commitment to you.

You can’t reach them while you need them (02)

In the time of an emergency, they will disappear. You will never find fakers in your problem or if you need them.

They are great at pretending (03)

Fake people are the best at pretending. They will look like an upset person, but actually, they aren’t.

Talking Behind your back is common for them (04)

Saying bad things about your back is a common scenario of fake people. However, they will never speak badly in front of you.

You will find them only at their convenience (05)

Fake people will be only around at their convenient time. After gaining or achieving their motive, they will be gone.

Fake people respect only the people with power (06)

Their respect comes for people who have power. True People respect everyone.

They Force people to Like them (07)

A genuine person never wants to be a people’s person, but they become. Fake people always try to be liked by everyone.

“There is say — Only Satan is loved by everyone”.

Fakers always try to get the attention (08)

We know all that, some people always do something crazy just to gain people’s attention. Well, fakers are too.

Fake peoples are never true to their intention (09)

Fake people talk about other things to hint their intention. They never express their real purpose in front of other people.

They try to look better by criticizing others (10)

Genuine people praise others from their hearts. Fake people criticize others for looking themselves better in front of people.

Fakers are hard to identify. They cover up themselves with a lot of their activities. So, always be aware of them and don’t let their talk fool you.

“People don’t change; they only reveal who they really are.”




International Business Graduate, Blogger, Content Writer, Web Developer, and an Internet Entrepreneur